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Author Guidelines


Manuscripts must be submitted exclusively through this website, where the author can access all the necessary information for submission and track it afterward.

Every manuscript submitted must be original. If it meets the aspects outlined in the instructions, it will proceed to review; otherwise, it will be rejected.

The review process will last approximately 3 months from the date of article submission. Once that information is received, the corresponding main author will be informed via email of the result of the process: “not publishable,” “publishable with modifications,” or “publishable.” In the case of “publishable with modifications,” the main author will be sent the reviewers’ comments to make the relevant corrections within no more than 10 days. Once the document with the corrections is received, the editor will inform the final status of the article.

The intellectual rights will always belong to the authors of the work, when it's published on this Journal,  its reuse will be covered under the guidelines of a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license

JMH is edited multilingually, so the published articles may appear in more than one language. The title of the article, abstract, and keywords must be presented in their original language and translated into a second mandatory language, English. If the manuscript uses English as the original language, the title, abstract, and keywords must be presented in Spanish.


JMH publishes original articles, review articles, scientific notes, letters to the Editor, comments, protocols, and editorials that have not been previously published or are being evaluated for publication in another journal. In such cases, the editorial committee reserves the right not to admit articles from the authors in future submissions. The article will not have a defined format (free), however, it must be submitted in Word format and is recommended to be written on letter-size paper (21.59 x 27.94 cm), with a narrow margin of 1.27 cm on all 4 sides, single-spaced, in Times New Roman size 12 font, and use a bibliographic reference manager.


The maximum number of words in all cases excludes titles, abstract, keywords, highlights, tables and/or figures, and bibliographic references. In all sections, it is necessary to include line numbers throughout the text, starting from the title page.


The arbitration system operates under a double-blind review process. All articles will be sent for peer review by external specialists (at least 2 specialists in the discipline). In case there is one acceptance and one rejection, a third party will evaluate, who will decide. However, the Editor is responsible for the final decision on the acceptance or rejection of the article.


All communications may be evaluated by at least one member of the editorial team, primarily by the Editor-in-chief, who will also be responsible for the final decision on the acceptance or rejection of the article.


Original articles. Cross-sectional, descriptive, and/or experimental studies, among others. The in-depth article should not exceed 3500 words. It must contain: title, abstract, keywords, highlights, introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusions, and bibliographic references. It may have a maximum of 50 bibliographic citations and 4 tables and/or figures.

Case study. Detailed investigations of a study subject. The in-depth article should not exceed 2500 words. It must contain: title, abstract, keywords, highlights, introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusions, and bibliographic references. It must declare the assent and/or informed consent of the case’s involved party. It may have a maximum of 30 bibliographic citations and 2 tables and/or figures.

Review articles. Systematic reviews and/or meta-analyses. The in-depth article should not exceed 5000 words. It must contain: title, abstract, keywords, highlights, methods, results, discussion, conclusions, and bibliographic references. It may have a maximum of 200 bibliographic citations and 6 tables and/or figures.

It is requested that the originals (experimental studies) be guided by the CONSORT or SPIRIT guidelines and, in addition, it is advisable that they have registered their study/project on platforms such as or equivalents. In the case of review articles, it is requested that they be guided by the PRISMA guidelines and, in addition, it is advisable that they have registered their study on platforms such as PROSPERO or equivalent.



Letter to the Editor. These are written in response to a current issue and/or recently published article/s to reinforce, complete, debate, or exchange ideas. The brief article should not exceed 500 words and does not need to be divided into sections. It must contain: title, key points, text, and bibliographic references. It may have a maximum of 5 bibliographic citations and only 1 table or figure.

Comments. These are based on a clear idea associated with the central theme of the journal or a scientific citation about partial results and/or studies in progress. The brief article should not exceed 1000 words and does not need to be divided into sections unless the author(s) find it pertinent and/or necessary. It must contain: title, key points, text, and bibliographic references. It may have a maximum of 10 bibliographic citations and only 1 table or figure.

Protocol. Methods or methodological procedures that include the foundation, justification, description, statistical analysis, and discussion of possible results, among others, of a project or research that is being developed or will be developed in the future. The brief article should not exceed 3500 words. It must contain: title, abstract, keywords, key points, introduction, methods, discussion, conclusions, and bibliographic references. It may have a maximum of 50 bibliographic citations and 4 tables and/or figures (in this case, it is recommended to download the model of the original article).

Editorial. Works requested directly from external collaboration experts and/or the editorial committee or by request to the Editor-in-Chief of JMH. The brief article should not exceed 2000 words and does not need to be divided into sections unless the author(s) find it pertinent and/or necessary. It must contain: title, key points, text, and bibliographic references. It may have a maximum of 20 bibliographic citations and 2 tables and/or figures.


First page of the text. It must include the title in the original language and below the translation into the second language, the name of all the authors, and the number of affiliations (department and/or laboratory, institution to which they belong, city, and country). The main author must indicate their contact details (full name, research center or institution, email address). From this first title page to the end of the manuscript, line numbers must be included throughout the text.

Abstract. It should not exceed 200 words (it may only extend up to 350 words for cases where the translation is into Spanish if the original language is English). It must be understood without the need to read the article and be drafted with the following bolded sections: objective, methods, results, and conclusions.

Keywords and their translation. Each term used must be included in the MeSH catalog available at: MeSH or DeCS available at: DeCS. A minimum of 3 keywords and a maximum of 6 may be included, without capital letters and separated by a semicolon.

Notable points. Depending on the type of manuscript, it should include two or more “notable points” of your study, ideally one line in length each.

The introduction should provide a brief explanation to the reader so that the foundation, justification, and objective of the study are understood. In methods, the type of study, participants, instruments used, procedures, statistical analyses, or any section deemed sufficient for understanding should be indicated. The results of your study can be written or presented in tables and/or figures, and should not be interpreted in this section. Tables and/or figures should not be presented on horizontal sheets, respecting the margins established in the models for original articles and communications. Tables. They will be identified with Arabic numerals. They should have the statement at the top, the values in the tables should not contain unnecessary decimals and should not be presented with vertical lines. Acronyms and abbreviations must have an explanatory note at the bottom. Figures. They will be identified with Arabic numerals. They should have the statement at the bottom and centered. Figures are accepted in black/white, grayscale, or tones similar to the cover of the Journal and with a resolution of 300 dpi. The discussion should show the author’s or authors’ own opinions in relation to what is presented in their results, contrasting their findings with similar studies previously published in the scientific literature. It is recommended to include the strengths and weaknesses of your study. The conclusion should clearly answer the objective of your study based on your results, indicating guidelines for future research. Acknowledgments are optional as deemed necessary to those who have collaborated or supported the conduct of the study.

Bibliographic references. American Medical Association 11th edition style, must be in order of appearance in the text, according to the corresponding sequential numbering. In the text, the citation number should always be in superscript. Footnotes are not allowed. The DOI must be included for those citations that have it. Bibliographic references must be present at the end of each article. Example for journal articles, in References:


1. (Less than 6 authors) Cristi-Montero C, Sadarangani KP, Garrido-Méndez A, Poblete-Valderrama F, Díaz-Martínez X, Celis-Morales C. [Relationship between levels of physical activity and sedentarism with metabolic  syndrome. ENS Chile 2009-2010.]. Salud Publica Mex. 2019;61(2):166-173. DOI: 10.21149/8879

2. (More than 6 authors) Solis-Urra P, Olivares-Arancibia J, Suarez-Cadenas E, et al. Study protocol and rationale of the “Cogni-action project” a cross-sectional and  randomized controlled trial about physical activity, brain health, cognition, and  educational achievement in schoolchildren. BMC Pediatr. 2019;19(1):260. DOI: 10.1186/s12887-019-1639-8

3. (Two authors) Cristi-Montero C, Rodríguez FR. [The paradox of being physically active but sedentary or sedentary but physically active]. Rev Med Chil. 2014;142(1):72-78. DOI: 10.4067/S0034-98872014000100011 

4. (Web page) CDC. Defining Childhood Obesity: Overweight & Obesity. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Accessed August 4, 2020.

5. (Books) Siedentop DL, Hastie P, Van der Mars H. Complete Guide to Sport Education. Human Kinetics; 2019.

Affiliations: Identification of the department and/or laboratory, institution to which each author belongs, city, and country, ordered by the main author and then co-authors.

Authorship Declaration: Indicate the direct contribution of each author to the intellectual content of the submitted manuscript (e.g., conception and design of the work, data collection/obtaining results, data analysis and interpretation, manuscript writing, critical manuscript review, approval of the final version, patient or study material contribution, obtaining funding, statistical advice, technical or administrative assistance, other defined contributions) our journal use the CRedIT taxonomy to identify the role played by the contributorson the manuscript.

Example: Author contributions: F.R.R.: Full access to all study data and data analysis; C.C.M.: manuscript design and writing.

Conflict of Interest: Authors must disclose any financial, institutional, or personal relationships that could lead to a conflict of interest regarding the published article. Even if authors believe there are none, they should indicate it.

Grants and Funding: Specify any grants or funds that have been used to carry out this study (if applicable)



Supplementary documents must include, if applicable, a certificate of ethical evaluation of the scientific project obtained from a university, health institution, or the corresponding entity.

When describing experiments conducted on human beings, it must be indicated whether the procedures followed conformed to the ethical standards of the Clinical Research Ethics Committee (institutional or regional) and in accordance with the World Medical Association and the Declaration of Helsinki. Names, initials, or hospital numbers, especially in figures, should not be used.

JMH does not accept studies that have used animals. 



The detection of plagiarism during the review of submitted articles will be carried out using the Similarity Check program available through the Library System of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. 


Research Articles

 El articulo inextenso, no deberá sobrepasar las 3500 palabras excluyendo títulos, Resumen, tablas y/o figuras y Referencias Bibliográficas. Podrá tener 40 citas bibliográficas como máximo. Debe contener: título, resumen, palabras claves, introducción, métodos, resultados, discusión, conclusiones y referencias bibliográficas (estilo Vancouver). Se aceptará un máximo de 4 tablas y/o figuras. Es necesario incluir números de línea en todo el texto, comenzando por la página de título.

Letter to the Editor

Se escriben como respuesta a un tema actual y/o artículo/s recién publicado/s de nuestra revista. También, son una vía para destacar aspectos importantes de nuestros artículos, reforzar mensajes claves a la comunidad, complementar información y debatir e intercambiar ideas sobre algún hecho o descubrimiento científico. Son enviados directamente al Editor en jefe y no son revisados por pares El articulo in extenso no deberá sobrepasar las 500 palabras y no es necesario dividirlo por apartados, no obstante, si debe contener: título, puntos destacables, texto y referencias bibliográficas (estilo Vancouver). En las 500 palabras no se contabilizan el título, puntos destacables y referencias. Podrá tener 5 citas bibliográficas como máximo y solo 1 tabla o figura.


Se basan en una idea clara asociada al tema central de la revista (“actividad física y salud en edades del ciclo educativo”), o bien, una nota sobre resultados parciales y/o estudios en desarrollo. Son enviados directamente al Editor en jefe y no son revisados por pares. El articulo in extenso no deberá sobrepasar las 1000 palabras y no es necesario dividirlo por apartados, a no ser que el/la o los/las autores lo encuentren pertinente y/o necesario, no obstante, si debe contener: título, puntos destacables, texto y referencias bibliográficas (estilo Vancouver). En las 1000 palabras no se contabilizan el título, puntos destacables y referencias. Podrá tener 10 citas bibliográficas como máximo y solo 1 tabla o figura.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.