Evaluación de movimientos no controlados del segmento lumbopélvico en individuos sin dolor lumbar

Andrés Flores-León, Gunther Redenz, Oscar F. Araneda, Francisco Berral de la Rosa

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5027/jmh-Vol17-Issue1(2016)art152

Low back pain (LBP) is one of the most common disorders of the human body. About 85% of the population will experience LBP during their lifetime. In most cases, LBP is shown as a functional impairment that fails to show up in imaging tests. Nine out of ten people who experience LBP do not show an anatomical structure associated with the symptomatology. 

Flores-León A, Redenz G, Araneda O, Berral de la Rosa F. Evaluación de movimientos no controlados del segmento lumbopélvico en individuos sin dolor lumbar. Journ. M. Health. 2020;17(1). Disponible en: doi:10.5027/jmh-Vol17-Issue1(2016)art152 [Accessed 27 jul. 2024].
Flores-León, A., Redenz, G., Araneda, O., & Berral de la Rosa, F. (2020). Evaluación de movimientos no controlados del segmento lumbopélvico en individuos sin dolor lumbar. Journal of Movement & Health, 17(1). doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.5027/jmh-Vol17-Issue1(2016)art152

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